Delivery unit

Visit and Contact Details

Contact Us

Phone number

Phone hours

  • Mon - Sun 24 hours



Opening hours

  • Mon - Sun 24 hours

Visitor address

Brämhultsvägen 53
504 55 Borås

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External directions

Med buss: Åk till hållplats Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus. Med bil: Från motorväg R40, tag avfart 87 mot sjukhuset vid Hultamotet. Följ skyltar "Förlossning"

Internal directions

Ingång 12, hiss M, plan 2

Postal address

Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus Förlossning
501 82 Borås
Logotype for Accessibility database

Accessibility database

Many people want to take a look at our Delivery unit and Maternity department before it is time to give birth. We would like to give you an opportunity to get to know our unit and make a tour before you come to visit us. In the slide show, we show different scenes from when future parents come here to give birth until their later visits to the out-patient clinic.Welcome to the Delivery unit and Maternity department here at Södra Älvsborg hospital in Borås!

Movie about the Delivery unit (swedish)

Before birth

Our responsibility is for normal births as well as for births with complications. We also manage acute illness from 18 full weeks of pregnancy. Before 18 full weeks of pregnancy (18 + 0 or the routine ultrasound examination), you can call healthcare information on 1177. If your delivery starts before 27 full weeks of pregnancy, you may be transferred to Östra hospital in Gothenburg. Östra hospital is responsible for medical care of babies born before 27 full weeks.

Delivery care in Södra Älvsborg hospital offers Special maternity care, which is a clinic for women with pregnancy risks or pregnancy complications. The Aurora organisation at Södra Älvsborg hospital has the goal of supporting women with fears about giving birth, so that the birth experience will be as good as possible regardless of the delivery method. Read more in the link to the Aurora organisation in the right column.

During delivery

When you have reached weeks 38-42 in your pregnancy, it is time to give birth to your baby. When the birth process starts, you will either have contractions/labour pains which can come gradually, or the waters break.
You can read more about birth and delivery in patient information in the column to the right.

A midwife and a nurse have joint responsibility for giving you support, help, advice and assurance during labour and delivery. As far as possible we will try to meet your wishes without compromising on medical safety.

Delivery doctors (obstetricians) are available around the clock if one is needed. Children's doctors (paediatricians) and anaesthesiologists can also be in place at very short notice.

The Operating department is right next to the Delivery unit, and the Newborn department (neonatal department) is one floor above the Delivery department.

After delivery

After the relief of the birth, you can be alone for a while and try to breastfeed your baby for the first time. You can then have a well-deserved snack with tea or coffee, and perhaps a shower. After a few hours it is time to go to the Maternity department.

The father/partner is of course welcome to be by your side the whole time. The father/partner plays an important role in supporting and encouraging the mother-to-be during labour and delivery. As a reward, if everything goes well the father/partner can cut the umbilical cord and separate the physical tie between you and your baby.

Maternity department
You have the opportunity to get to know your baby and learn about feeding, cleaning and caring for him or her in the Maternity department. There are professional staff to help you with all of this. The new father/partner can stay with you and your baby, as long as there is space.

Information meeting

At the Delivery unit in Borås we have made a Power Point presentation which gives you an idea of what the Delivery unit looks like, and gives you some information prior to your delivery. This is something that expecting parents have asked for.

Obstetricians, midvives, enrolled nurse, and medical secretaries works here.

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Visit and Contact Details

Contact Us

Phone number

Phone hours

  • Mon - Sun 24 hours



Opening hours

  • Mon - Sun 24 hours

Visitor address

Brämhultsvägen 53
504 55 Borås

Show adress on map

Show adress on map

External directions

Med buss: Åk till hållplats Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus. Med bil: Från motorväg R40, tag avfart 87 mot sjukhuset vid Hultamotet. Följ skyltar "Förlossning"

Internal directions

Ingång 12, hiss M, plan 2

Postal address

Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus Förlossning
501 82 Borås
Logotype for Accessibility database

Accessibility database

Many people want to take a look at our Delivery unit and Maternity department before it is time to give birth. We would like to give you an opportunity to get to know our unit and make a tour before you come to visit us. In the slide show, we show different scenes from when future parents come here to give birth until their later visits to the out-patient clinic.Welcome to the Delivery unit and Maternity department here at Södra Älvsborg hospital in Borås!

Movie about the Delivery unit (swedish)

Before birth

Our responsibility is for normal births as well as for births with complications. We also manage acute illness from 18 full weeks of pregnancy. Before 18 full weeks of pregnancy (18 + 0 or the routine ultrasound examination), you can call healthcare information on 1177. If your delivery starts before 27 full weeks of pregnancy, you may be transferred to Östra hospital in Gothenburg. Östra hospital is responsible for medical care of babies born before 27 full weeks.

Delivery care in Södra Älvsborg hospital offers Special maternity care, which is a clinic for women with pregnancy risks or pregnancy complications. The Aurora organisation at Södra Älvsborg hospital has the goal of supporting women with fears about giving birth, so that the birth experience will be as good as possible regardless of the delivery method. Read more in the link to the Aurora organisation in the right column.

During delivery

When you have reached weeks 38-42 in your pregnancy, it is time to give birth to your baby. When the birth process starts, you will either have contractions/labour pains which can come gradually, or the waters break.
You can read more about birth and delivery in patient information in the column to the right.

A midwife and a nurse have joint responsibility for giving you support, help, advice and assurance during labour and delivery. As far as possible we will try to meet your wishes without compromising on medical safety.

Delivery doctors (obstetricians) are available around the clock if one is needed. Children's doctors (paediatricians) and anaesthesiologists can also be in place at very short notice.

The Operating department is right next to the Delivery unit, and the Newborn department (neonatal department) is one floor above the Delivery department.

After delivery

After the relief of the birth, you can be alone for a while and try to breastfeed your baby for the first time. You can then have a well-deserved snack with tea or coffee, and perhaps a shower. After a few hours it is time to go to the Maternity department.

The father/partner is of course welcome to be by your side the whole time. The father/partner plays an important role in supporting and encouraging the mother-to-be during labour and delivery. As a reward, if everything goes well the father/partner can cut the umbilical cord and separate the physical tie between you and your baby.

Maternity department
You have the opportunity to get to know your baby and learn about feeding, cleaning and caring for him or her in the Maternity department. There are professional staff to help you with all of this. The new father/partner can stay with you and your baby, as long as there is space.

Information meeting

At the Delivery unit in Borås we have made a Power Point presentation which gives you an idea of what the Delivery unit looks like, and gives you some information prior to your delivery. This is something that expecting parents have asked for.

Obstetricians, midvives, enrolled nurse, and medical secretaries works here.

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